Resist Recycle Regenerate 2017-2018


Watch the RRR 2018 final showcase! Directed and Edited by Eric Jenkins.

RRR 2017-2018 Fellows

Ja Bulsombut  is a Thai-Chinese student from Bangkok. She is currently studying cultural studies at Sarah Lawrence College and is very passionate about film & poetry. She also paints. Ja joined the RRR project because she wanted to get more involved with the Chinatown community in Manhattan, especially with a grassroots organization like W.O.W. She is also interested in learning how to make paper and print.

Born and raised in California, Kristin Chang studies literature and ethnic studies at Sarah Lawrence. She first joined RRR as a fellow and is now a co-leader in the program’s second year.  She aims to connect with her lineage, incorporate ideas of resistance/migration/cultural ancestry in her writing and art, and connect with a community of passionate art-makers and activists. Her interests include spoken word poetry, comics, and martial arts films.

Jing Chen is an immigrant from Fuzhou, China. Jing decided to join the RRR Project primarily due to the many problems Chinese Americans are facing nowadays in the United States. Jing wants to contribute to the Asian American community as well as explore more aspects of Chinese culture that she might not have been aware of prior to joining the RRR Project team.

Melody Mok is an Asian-American with a hispanic background. As a fluent speaker of 3 languages (Spanish, English, and Chinese), Melody has learned that one of the most essential factors in achieving success is the ability to understand different cultures and interact with different backgrounds. Melody has joined the RRR Project in hopes of re-immersing herself in Chinese culture and making a difference by supporting the W.O.W Project’s mission. Her interests include painting, fencing and swimming.

Lily Tang is a seventeen year old Chinese-American who has lived in Chinatown her whole life. Lily’s interests are photography, film, design and literature. She joined the RRR Project because she thought it was a great way to incorporate her love for arts & crafts while contributing to the community that she loves. Lily also looks forward to learning as much as she can about every aspect of Asian-American history and culture because it is something she wants to major in in college.

Final Projects

Words for the Afterlife by Kristin Chang and Ja Bulsombut

Inherited: a collection of childhood stories by Jing Chen

Grandmother’s Recipies by Lily Tang

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